Friday, September 19, 2008

Sept 19th-Sex in College

I have to say I really enjoyed the sex and the college student presentation. It was very informative but it wasn't dry and boring like previous education about sex. In high school and earlier they would tell you about abstinence and preach all other ways were wrong. As expected this presentation recognized exactly what they were in college. It is going to happen and they taught us what we truly need to know. We got to see exactly how to protect ourselves and even how effective each method of protection is. I liked how they showed us that it is okay to engage in sexual activity but you need to be careful and informed as well. At the same time they utilized the use of pictures of the diseases in order to kind of put a sense of fear into us so we always will remember to practice safe sex. The presentation was interactive and even had some funny moments in it. I couldn't ever say this about a previous sex education presentation. Another thing that was awesome about the presentation was the end. Not in the sense that it was over but FREE CONDOMS!! Does it get any better? I submit that it cannot. And even better, they were colored!!! But all jokes aside it was very informative and even though I went in assuming another pointless sex ed presentation I have to say I did learn new things and came out enjoying what I had just seen.

Sept 19th- WSOP Here I come

When I was four years old my grandpa started teaching me the game of poker. He himself was a professional poker player so I was learning from an experienced player. I didn't know that this game I learned fourteen years ago would be the career I still to this day want to pursue. I started kindergarden early because of my knowledge of poker. The teacher asked my mom why she thinks I have the ability to start earlier than normal. My mom said I am really good at math except I have trouble identifying the different pot odds of an inside straight versus an open ended straight draw. The teacher immediately said she thinks I was ready to start school. My poker is what allowed me to start school early and its what could be the factor that makes me end school early. If I succeed in poker I could seriously consider dropping out to pursue the professional poker career as did my grandfather. I have been saving up my poker winnings money to buy into the main event when I turn 21. It is a 10,000 dollar buy in and there about a couple thousand entries each year. First place generally wins seven-twelve million dollars and usually the top five hundred place in the money. I have always done exceptionally well in live poker games and I have won several live tournaments. Most of my saved money has come from my online play. Online play is what will get me my buy in but it doesn't prepare me for the main event because it is a completely different game and strategy. I can fluctuate in online poker way more than live poker. I have had days where I go from up five thousand dollars to down two thousand and vice versa. Live poker it is a lot harder to go back and forth like that. I always say I want to have a real career and be a professional poker player on the side. However, if I was to win the first place prize in the main event I could serious see myself just sticking to what I am good

Friday, September 12, 2008

Sept 12th-I Love College

"College will be the best four years of your life." 
I heard this line a thousand times this past summer. I truly didn't believe it. I had just finished senior year of high school and I didn't think it could get better. I was big man on campus. I felt like I ran the city. I had an awesome group of friends. I knew everyone in the school district. There is no way going to a place where you don't know anyone and being a little fish in a sea of thirty some thousand it could be anywhere near the life of high school. So far I couldn't have been any more wrong. The only negative part of the first two weeks of college has been not getting a ticket to the first football game which I still ended up going to. I've met so many people, I love all my teachers, I love the campus, I love the freedom...I LOVE COLLEGE! At this pace one week of college is better than the entire eighteen years of living. Between interesting classes throughout the week, pick up basketball at night, fun friday nights, football games on saturday, and getting ready to do it all again sunday, it literally is living the life. I feel like I have smoothly transitioned to the lifestyle in terms of the work loads and managing all my time. I am comfortable living in the dorms and not being the center of attention even though I thought both would be difficult for me. As cliche as it sounds I love life right now and it would take a lot to change that status. There is nothing I would change in the first two weeks of school so far.

Sept 5th Blog 2-Mr. Experience

Starting my sophomore year in high school I began tutoring and mentoring a middle school student. It started out as any typical service experience. I was doing it for community service hours and didn't even know the kid until the first time I was to mentor him. He was a rising 6th grader. It was only supposed to last until the end of his 6th grade year. However the relationship that developed made it hard to just end it. I continued mentoring him until I saw him graduate from middle school at the same time I was graduating from high school. It ended up being a mutual relationship as both of us benefitted from each other. Although we were still a mentor status we became friends as well. I still talk to him and he still looks up to me even though we are hundreds of miles apart. One of the reasons I believe we became so close is that his family also grew to liking me. We met a few times as expected but they began to treat me as almost one of there own. They had me over for dinner, treated me to sporting tickets, and even got me a special christmas present. Although this kind of mentor relationship won't develop this far in just a semester I think that this experience will help me with this service experience in the sense of  getting to know the kid and how talk to them at first.