Friday, September 12, 2008

Sept 12th-I Love College

"College will be the best four years of your life." 
I heard this line a thousand times this past summer. I truly didn't believe it. I had just finished senior year of high school and I didn't think it could get better. I was big man on campus. I felt like I ran the city. I had an awesome group of friends. I knew everyone in the school district. There is no way going to a place where you don't know anyone and being a little fish in a sea of thirty some thousand it could be anywhere near the life of high school. So far I couldn't have been any more wrong. The only negative part of the first two weeks of college has been not getting a ticket to the first football game which I still ended up going to. I've met so many people, I love all my teachers, I love the campus, I love the freedom...I LOVE COLLEGE! At this pace one week of college is better than the entire eighteen years of living. Between interesting classes throughout the week, pick up basketball at night, fun friday nights, football games on saturday, and getting ready to do it all again sunday, it literally is living the life. I feel like I have smoothly transitioned to the lifestyle in terms of the work loads and managing all my time. I am comfortable living in the dorms and not being the center of attention even though I thought both would be difficult for me. As cliche as it sounds I love life right now and it would take a lot to change that status. There is nothing I would change in the first two weeks of school so far.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

It's been great to have you in our class. Thanks for contributing and I'm glad your first few weeks have been great.
