Friday, October 24, 2008

Oct 24th-Faculty at USC

I have to say I have mixed emotions towards faculty I have met at USC so far. When I say faculty I am talking about everyone that works at USC including professors, building managers, and even the cafeteria ladies. Starting off with the good, I like all my professors. I am closer with some more than others as is probably everyone but even the ones I am not close with I still enjoy there classes and feel comfortable in the learning enviornment they provide. I would have to say that my U101 professors (which are probably reading this ;-)) I am most comfortable with and feel the ability to open up to and discuss with whether in an in class situation or out of class conversation. I believe this is because of the content of the class as well as its a tight group with small number of students but a close group of students as well. As for some other faculty I can't say the same. I don't like a few of the leaders of my dorm building. I understand when someone is just doing their job and they have to take certain actions. But when those people go out of the way and out of their job description to target a specific person I can't say I have good thoughts about them. I am not the type who is paranoid and would say I am being targeted but I have been told I am being targeted which I don't think is fair. I guess you can say the I don't like some of the leaders of my dorm because they don't like me. Then there are all the other staff such as cafeteria ladies and janitors. I love stopping and having conversation with all of them and I know almost all of them by name as they do me. They are wonderful people who do a great job and I have to say spending a minute to hang out or talk with them makes the day better. Overall I like a majority of the faculty at USC there are just a few exceptions to that but I hope over time I can work out my differences with those who I don't care for so much as of right now.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Glad you feel comfortable with us, Zach! :)