Friday, October 24, 2008

Oct 24th-Keeping Busy

Besides my schoolwork and classes I stay busy. For a lot of it it is dealing with getting in trouble. I know it is repetitive but I have a lot of work to do for my lawyer and preparing for my November 4th court date. I take time going to and from my lawyers office as well as getting documents completed for court. Not only the law trouble but housing trouble. As I mentioned in my previous post I am a most wanted of Capstone as I am now being written up for anything and everything. If something bad happens in Capstone my name is thrown in with it. I have already had judicial twice and just got another letter for a third judicial meeting and a notice that I will be placed on housing probation and I honestly could not tell you what for. So I take time doing that. But besides all that time I stay busy doing positive things as well. I am capstone student government. This means I have an hour meeting every monday night and then give that information to my floor in hour meetings on the floor wenesday nights. I also am apart of the recreation team in capstone which has meetings wenesday nights as well. This team is responsible for setting up events such as the capstone bowl and managing recreational equipment kept in the basement of capstone. I do also have my fun on the weekends. I generally go out thursday and friday nights either into five points or the vista. Whether its going to the bars or clubs downtown is always alot of fun. I also go to the strom and play pickup basketball almost every night I don't have meetings or too much work. I love the strom I could move in and just live out of the locker room there. School and classwork takes up majority of the time but between my legal issues, capstone meetings, playing basketball, and just taking time to hang out on weekends I stay pretty busy and I wouldn't have it any other way.

1 comment:

Melissa said...


I know you've had your ups and downs this semester. I hope you are able to learn through it all and finish the semester strong.
