Friday, October 3, 2008

Oct 3rd- Stress and Me

Up until about two to three weeks ago I always thought I was a very low stress person. I have never felt nervous, anxious, or overwhelmed in any subject. Whether it was school work in high school or pressure sports situations or public speaking I never was the type to feel stress. When I was put into what typical people would call a stressful situation I always dealt with it very well. However, a few weeks ago my world got rocked. After being arrested and spending a weekend in jail I haven't felt no stress ever since. Between the constant memories of that weekend as well as having the possible consequences on my mind I constantly nervous and stressed. When I thought it would be difficult to deal with classes and homework and extra curricular activities in college I never thought about dealing with the law as well. Going to class to my lawyers office to a drug test to a lie detector test to having a paper due the next day I feel rushed and overloaded every single day. I want to think that once I go to court and get over my charge I will be back to how I normally feel but my mind is telling me that won't happen. Although I have all this stress I feel like I am handling it the best I can. I write everything down, I have a handy calendar, I check off a to do list, and I still am getting my meals, exercize, and sleep in. I really hope I get through this court date and come out the low stressed relaxed person I always was prior to my arrest.


Melissa said...


Thanks for your openness and let us know how we can continue to support you through the things you are dealing with.


Melissa said...

Ditto to everything Jimmie said. I hope things will settle down for you soon. Please let us know if we can do anything!